
웹 메뉴

인스타그램 페이스북

서브 네비게이션 영역


서브 비주얼, 대메뉴 영역

서브 컨텐츠 영역

KAID is composed of industrial designers as well as professors and workers of the field, businesses specializing in design, and corporate members. Through fast and clear communication with such excellent human resources, KAID has been serving as an active contributor for the growth of the students of the field and development of the domestic industrial design. In addition, KAID has also been a front runner for the better future of the design industry, through continuous exchanges with various corporate member companies, including LG Electronics, Fursys, KIA Motors, and Amore pacific. In both domestic and international exchanges, KAID has also played a leading role as an association with the representability in the field of industrial design in Korea since 1972, such as actively participating in organizational activities and international conferences, recruiting corporate members, and dispatching officers to international organizations, and so on.


  • Members Members

    Corporate, Organzation
    individual Memders

  • Awards Awards

    Pin UP & Pin Up Concept
    Design Awards

  • Korea Society of industrial Design Korea Society of industrial Design

    Registered journal,
    publication of academic journals
    (4 times annually),
    conferences & art exhibition

  • Asia Designer’s Assembly Asia Designer’s Assembly

    ADA int'l Student Design Workship
    (kaid, CIDA, JIDA)

  • External Cooperation External Cooperation

    Attracting New Businesses
    Hosting KAID Forum, ect.

pin up design awards

PIN UP DESIGN AWARDS is a design contest hosted by KAID and sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, targeting the designs of domestic and overseas corporate products that have been produced or confirmed for release within the past one year. The contest started in the name of “Korean Industrial Design Award” in 1997, changed its name to 'PIN UP DESIGN AWARDS' in 2008, and has been working with the history of industrial design to date.
The winner of PIN UP DESIGN AWARDS will receive not only recognition of the design value but also the benefit of being awarded 2 extra points in selection of the excellent product by the Public Procurement Service.
KAID has striven to hold professional and fair competition so that excellent designs could come into light and become more developed.

Host Kaid
Sponsor Ministry of Trade,Industry and Energy

Design of domestic and international corporate products produced within the last year or confirmed to be released within a year


CATEGORY A [Tangible Design] A. Home Appliances DesignB. Small Household Appliances DesignC. IT Devices DesignD. Living Goods DesignE. Transportation Design
F. Heavy Equipment-Machine DesignG. Furniture-Interior Item DesignH. Medical-Healthcare DesignI. Fashion-Accessaries Design
J. Toy DesignK. Farm DesignL. Package Design

CATEGORY B [Intangible Design] M. Interface-Interaction DesignN. Service System DesignO. Social DesignP. Inclusive-Universal DesignQ. Design-Business Model

CATEGORY C [Space Design] R. Public DesignS. House, Public Housing, Store, Environment DesignT. Interior Planning Design

pin up design awards

PIN UP CONCEPT DESIGN AWARDS is an international competition targeting the aimed at university(graduate)students and the general public, and is hosted by KAID, sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, and held jointly by LG Electronics, LG Uplus, and Fursys. The contest has been accepting submits in the KAID-Field and Company-Designated Theme categories, and the winner of the KID-Field category will receive massive benefits, which include the prize money and ADA workshop entry fee support, and so on. In the Company-Designated Theme category, the companies assign a different theme each year, and the winner will be given not only the prize money, but also the internship opportunity as a privilege.
KAID ahs been making the best efforts to ensure that the creative design of the participants is fairly appreciated and that they have the opportunity to be utilized in business and society.

Host Kaid
Sponsor Ministry of Trade,Industry and Energy

Student Available for individual or team entry


KAID A. Electronic Devices and Electronic Appliance DesignB. Home Living&Accessories, Furniture DesignC. Living Interior DesignD. Transportation Design
E. Healthcare DesignF. Lighting Fixtures DesignG. Public and Environmental DesignH. Display DesignI. Green Design

Corporate Sector J. LG ElectronicsK. FursysL. LG Uplus


KAID GRAND PRIX prize money, certificate of merit
ADA WORKSHOP Attendance fees support for Grand & Gold($500.00)
GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE, Finalist(be accepted) awarding certificates

Corporation Internship or prize money

Korea Society of Industrial Design

Affiliated with this association, Korea Society of Industrial Designers(KSID), since its establishment in 2011, has sought to narrow the gap between the field and the academic world by facilitating the interaction between the designers in charge of design development at the design site and the university professors with majors in academic design.
KSID has also striven to deliver high quality academic and design values to designers directly involved in design development. Published 4 times annually, “KSID Journal of Industrial Design” is a registered journal which has contributed to the growth of design studies centered on design sites and the development of practical industrial designs.
The journal is also an important indicator for the current status of design industry.

Asia Designer`s Assembly, International Student Design Workshop

Since its establishment in 1999, and its first opening in 2001 in Japan, ADA Student Workshop has been hosted every summer by the Industrial Designers Associations in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan (KAID, JIDA, CIDA respectively) taking turns each year. ADA Workshop is an international student workshop that aims to provide excellent opportunities for students to exchange ideas and deepen their understanding of diverse cultures.


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